The directory of organizations & companies in the fields of urban planning, urban architecture, landscape, environment or gis in London and South-Eastern England.

Urban planning directory of LONDON

Londres vu du ciel

The Urban planning directory of LONDON & SE ENGLAND reveals the main institutions, associations or companies in the fields of urban planning, landscape, geografic sciences across the british capital.


Further informations


More than 1400 agencies & institutions are listed in London & around, within this ebook.


Among them : 


150 offices of urban planning (16% of all institutions in the directory)

320 architecture & urban planning studios  (35%)

87 landscape architecture agencies (9%)

81 environment & ecology consultants or institutions (9%)


42 provincies & city councils (5%)

130 housing offices or companies (14%)

45 mobility consultants & public transport agencies (5%)

37 offices of gis and cartography (4%)