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Urban planning directory of BARCELONA

The directory of organizations & companies in the fields of urban planning, urban architecture, landscape, environment or gis in Barcelona and all the provincy of Catalonia.

Urban planning directory of BARCELONA & Catalonia

Parque Guell Barcelona

The Urban planning directory of BARCELONA (Urbadirectorio de Barcelona i Catalunya) reveals the main institutions, associations or companies in the fields of urban planning, landscape, geografic sciences across the region.


Further informations


More than 600 agencies & institutions are listed all across Barcelona & Catalonia within this ebook.


Among them : 


23 offices of urban planning (4% of all institutions in the directory)

189 architecture & urban planning studios  (31%)

39 landscape architecture agencies (6%)

125 environment & ecology consultants or institutions (20%)


33 provincies & city councils (5%)

117 housing officials & real estate developers (19%)

43 mobility consultants & public transport agencies (7%)

36 offices of gis and cartography (6%)
