The web pages of the UK | Associations

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Urbalinks | Websites of associations in UK

Big ben 256 Architecture  associations

Associations of architects

Aca Arb The Architects' Company Chartered Institute of Architectural technologists Riba RSAW (Wales) RIAS (Scotland) Architectural Association of Ireland RIAI – The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland

Architectural heritage

20th Century Society The Architectural Heritage Fund English Heritage Heritage Europe Heritage Gateway Historic England


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Urban planning associations

Urban planners' associations
RTPI - Royal Town Planning Institute RTPI near you - in Wales, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland & Ireland ATCM - Association of Town City Management Communityplanning.netLocal Government Association POS | Planning Officers' Society RICS - Royal Institution of Chartered SurveyorsTCPA - Town and Country Planning Association The Academy of Urbanism The Survey Association - association representing UK private surveying firms IPN | Irish Planning News

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Landscape associations

Associations of landscape architects
sLandscape InstituteLandscape Institute ScotlandLAA - Landscape Achitects' AssociationBALI - British Association of Landscape IndustriesBGCI - Botanical Gardens Conservation Internationaliale UKKew - Royal Botanic GardensThe Gardens Trust - The Gardens History SocietyThe Royal Horticulture Society ALCI | Association of Landscape  Contractors of Ireland  

Environmental Associations UK

 Environmental  associations

Environmental associations
National Trust Campaign National Parks Committee on Climate Change CRPE - Campaign to Protect Rural EnglandEnvironment Agency Friends of the Earth Friends of the Earth Cymru (Wales) Forestry CommissionFWAG - Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group Groundwork - changing places, changing lives NAEE - Natural Association for Environmental Association Natural EnglandNatural Resources Wales NBN - National Biodiversity Network NERC - science of the environment Ramblers - nature through walkingRSPB - Royal Society for the Protection of Birds SNH - Scottish Natural Heritage The Wildlife Trusts Wen | Women's Environmental Network Woodland Trust WWF UK - World Wildlife Trust United Kingdom WWT - Wildfowl & Wetland Trust

Urbanlinks UK - GIS associations

GIS experts' associations

    GIS associations
agi - association for geografic information British Cartographic Society Geographical Association - teachers in geography Royal Geographical Society Society of Cartographers IRLOGI | Irish Organisation for Geografic Information